Attendees: Emily Look, Helen Williams Elizabeth Storrs
Review spreadsheet provided by Emily
confirm that this is Admissions, not Enrollment reporting
are subplans really needed? Are to distinguish certain types of SFMA and TUSMGP plans
Meeting Notes
Places this data is used downstream:
Tableau live-dashboard y-o-y, plus current applications from DW
Fall Spring download, compile, check with admissions, Dean’s Data Hub grad admissions data isn't live but comes from DW
Dental, MED
App Degree Active/Degree Cd/Degree Desc Dmitri needs to do research on
App Study Rate--DATA STRATEGY do they really need?
CIP--want for the future; will have to come from SIS
Citizenship1 is a code for OIR
College of Europe and MYF for Fletcher are both handled as one-offs;
Add Status = Decided only screens out people who do not have decisions--may not have been used completely correctly in the past
Derived date: denodo pulls it’s data at 5; materialized views update between 2-4; program entity data is updated between 8-10pm. How do we communicate those dates to end users? Dan K has a date
Assigned Tasks
- Elizabeth Storrs schedule next meeting first week in March
- Emily Look to provide sample data, including list of country codes
- Dmitri to research dual degrees, send how subplans are sent
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