Adding an "Unsubscribe" link to your communications
If you would like to add an unsubscribe option to the footer of all list mails, the following steps will get you there:
- 1 Configure your elist to attach the footer as an append:
- Go to "Admin" then "Edit List Config" and then "Sending/Recieving Setup"
- Modify "Attachment type (footer_type)" from "Mime" to "Append"
- If you would prefer the footer be a .txt attachment, leave it as Mime.
- Inside your Elist go to "Admin" then "Customizing" and add the following text or text of your choosing to the footer
"To be removed from this distribution list, please send a message to: from this email address." (Replace "LISTNAME" with your elist's name.)
- Test to verify!