Install and Update Denodo VDP/ Admin tool to run it locally on a Mac
\uD83D\uDCD8 Install Instructions
Generally trying to follow this how-to:
Download Install package from box.
We want the VDP Client for this application
Move download and Unzip into a Denodo Home directory.
I will be using Applications/Denodo
Give permissions to run the script
chmod +x (or
Notice: You need Java 11 for this installation
Common Problem # 1 Java Home must be set and exported.
export JAVA_HOME=/usr/local/opt/openjdk@11/libexec/openjdk.jdk/Contents/Home
add to bottom of .bashrc and source it (your link may vary)
Install, including home directory
./ ~/Applications/Denodo/
Updates should be automatically installed when using the graphical interface on an internet connected device
Verify VDP Tool is Working
cd Applications/Denodo/bin
Connect to tufts VPN
Log into //
Connecting with SSL
This below solution is temporary until we can acquire and install a CA signed certificate for Denodo
Now that SSL is enabled on Solution Manager and the VDP, clients have to be configured to connect with SSL.
To connect to the VDP with the local VDP Admin Client, download the below cacerts file and copy use it to replace the cacerts file.