Using the Console
The following is a guide to using the Identity Finder Console as well as an example workflow for identifying potential sensitive information and working with users to remove it. If you are an Information Steward and your department would like to opt in to using the system, contact Information Security for more information and log-in credentials. To add end users to the console, they must have the latest edition of Identity Finder (configured for the console) on their computer. Information Stewards or their FSPs can install the software on end-user computers from this file, which can be entered into the Windows Explorer browser: \\titan.tufts.ad.tufts.edu\software$\FSP\IdentityFinder\IdentityFinder Endpoint Clients for FSPs.
To begin, navigate to the Identity Finder Console page at https://tftmvmidfindidentityfinder.tufts.aduit.tufts.edu/Console/ and log in.
Once you have logged in select your division from the left hand column. Identity Finder refers to these group names as "Tags." Here you can view all the computers currently reporting Identity Finder results from your group to the console.