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  1. SSH to each web server (raprod-web-01, raprod-web-02) using PuTTY or SecureSSHSecureCRT.

  2. Switch to the 'tomadm' user:

    Code Block
    sudo su - tomadm

    When prompted, enter your password (the same password you used to log into your own account).

  3. Go to the tomcat directory:

    Code Block
    cd /usr/local/tomcat7apache-tomcat-8.5.38/bin

  4. Run the 'shutdown' script:

    Code Block

  5. Wait for ten seconds to give the server time to shut down normally.

  6. Check to see if the server is still running using the 'ps' command:

    Code Block
    ps -ef|grep java

    If you just see a single line that ends with "grep java", the server has stopped and you can proceed to restart it.

    Fig. 1: Successful server shutdown

    1. If you see a longer line ending with "org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap start" then the server was unable to shut down normally and needs to be killed. Look for the process ID (the second value on the line, just after the user 'tomadm') and make a note of it. Then run the following command to manually kill the tomcat process, using the process ID in place of the #'s below:

      Code Block
      kill -9 #####

      Wait another ten seconds and run the "ps -ef|grep java" command again. The tomcat process should be gone -- if not, try the kill command again.

      Fig. 2: Output of ps command showing server still running

  7. Once the server is no longer running, restart it:

    Code Block

  8. While the server is starting, print the log output to the screen to monitor its progress:

    Code Block
    tail -f /usr/local/tomcat7apache-tomcat-8.5.38/logs/catalina.out

    Startup can take anywhere from 1 to 5 minutes, but is usually around 1.5-2.5 minutes in production.
    Log content will scroll by in quick bursts during startup; when it is finished, it will stop and the final line printed will display the startup time:
    INFO: Server startup in ##### ms
    (The log will also scroll as users log into and use the application, so once the server has started it may not stay at the "startup" line for long.)
    You can press Ctrl+C to stop the log output once you're seen the startup message.

    Fig. 3: Successful startup in the log output

  9. Log into the application at to verify that it started successfully. If you receive the red-and-white Kuali Coeus homepage that says "Welcome, (Your Name)" after logging in, then all is well.

    Fig. 4: Home page after successful login