Code Block | ||||||
| ||||||
update eps_proposal set status_code='6' where proposal_number='1234'; |
Side Note: Besides updating status_code for the proposal, we may also need to make sure the proposal's document status matches the new proposal status_code. For example, if we change the proposal status to 'cancelled', we also need to make sure the document status is set to 'cancelled'. In document table 'krew_doc_hdr_t', column 'doc_hdr_id' is the document number.
Code Block | ||||||
| ||||||
select proposal_number, document_number, status_code from eps_proposal where proposal_number='1234'; |
Code Block | ||||||
| ||||||
update krew_doc_hdr_t set doc_hdr_stat_cd='S' where doc_hdr_id='486290'; |
Remove Previous Grants.gov Tracking ID from PD
Request: Cannot remove previous Grants.gov tracking ID from proposal
Code Block | ||||||
| ||||||
insert into ps_grant_prefix values ('ABC', sysdate, 'admin', 1, sys_guid()); |
Error in Fund Source / Grants Integration - Change the status from Error so that the row processes again.
Request: User error occurred for some reason in the fund/grant and the user wants the proposal to be "reset" so that PeopleSoft processes it again.
Example Ticket: INC0917104
Code Block | ||||||
| ||||||
update KCSO.TUPS_GRANT set PS_RETURN_STATUS = ' ' where award_number='103786-00001' and ps_ras_transaction_id = '000000037066' and PS_RETURN_STATUS = 'E'; |
Add/Update PeopleSoft Accountant Code assignments
Code Block | ||||||
| ||||||
insert into ps_sponsor_mappings(sponsor_code, fed_agency, reporting_agency, display_acronym, mapping_level, update_timestamp, update_user, ver_nbr, obj_id) values ('000000', 'DOD', 'DOD', 'DOD>USMA>', 1, sysdate, 'admin', 1, sys_guid()); -- First parameter is the six-digit sponsor code -- Second parameter is the Federal Agency code -- Third parameter is the Reporting Agency code -- Fourth parameter is the Display Acronym -- Other parameters can be left with the provided values |
Update RAS Menu Files (Job Aids, Checklists, etc)
There are a number of files hosted on the RAS web servers that are linked in the main 'Researcher' menu of the application (screenshot below). Occasionally, new versions of these files will need to be uploaded.
To update these files, use WinSCP (or another SCP/FTP tool) to upload the new file to BOTH raweb-prod-01 and raweb-prod-02, and copy the file(s) to the directory:
Ensure that the filename matches the existing files so that the links will still work.
Update Known Issues List
See Known Issues Page.