The HDI Customer Satisfaction Index is a web-based customer satisfaction surveying service, providing an efficient and affordable way for you to understand your customers' satisfaction.
OIT, UIT, ITSTTS, and HHSL-ITS have a current subscription to the service.
The data currently being sent is listed below.csi
No Format |
[csi] [supportcenter key="XXXXXXXXX" |
] [incident] [incidentid]INC00111111[/incidentid] [dtclosed]06-27-2012 11:27:52 EDT[/dtclosed |
] [email][/email |
] [firstname]Joe[/firstname |
] [lastname]Public[/lastname |
] [agent1]John Doe (utln)[/agent1 |
] [catmaj]Major Category |
[catmaj |
] [catmin]Minor Category[/catmin |
] [desc]Description[/desc |
] [/incident |
] [/supportcenter |
] [/csi] |