Once you have logged in select your division from the left hand column. Identity Finder refers to these group names as "Tags." Here you can view all the computers currently reporting Identity Finder results from your group to the console.
Open the "Reports" tab and from the "Reports List" choose "All Findings Grouped By User".
You will see a list of all the users in your department or group with results. Note the user or users with the highest number of results.
Now open the "Results" tab and click on "Filter".
Choose "Filter By User."
Then click on the ellipsis (...) to open a list of all UTLNs from your department or group. Scroll to find the user or users whose results you would like to review. Click the arrow to move their names into the review box.
After clicking "OK," a list of the results sorted by username will appearThe dashboard will display a number of options for quickly viewing scan results. It is recommended that you use the matches by user, which will generate a graph on the top 10 users in your group.
When opened, the graph will resemble the one below. There will be a key with the UTLN and number of matches for each user (not shown here). You can click on any UTLN to see a list of all their matches.
The list of results for the individual user will open. If there are results you recognize as false positives, you can remove them from the list. Right click to choose "Remove" and then "Exclude Rows".