h1.IdentityFinder at Tufts
IdentityFinder is a software suite that can help locate sensitive information such as credit card or social security numbers. {link-window:href=http://uit.tufts.edu/|icon=false|tip=Visit UITs homepage}UIT{link-window} has licensed IdentityFinder for all Tufts-owned computers, and encourages the use of IdentityFinder to help locate sensitive information so that it can be protected or removed (if no longer needed). For more information, check out the rest of the [GuardIt|guardit:] online resource.
h1. Get IdentityFinder
Your {link-window:https://wikis.uit.tufts.edu/confluence/display/UITUpdate/FSP|tip=Up-to-date FSP list}FSP{link-window} can install IdentityFinder for you, or you can download the [Windows|IdentityFinder^IdentityFinder-] or [Mac|IdentityFinder^idfinstaller-tufts-defaults-v12-2.pkg.zip] (Intel Macs only) version of IdentityFinder directly. Please note that this software may only be installed and run on Tufts-owned computers.
{tip:title=Updated settings (5/11/2010)}* If you installed IdentityFinder prior to May 12, 2010, download the latest Windows settings [here|IdentityFinder^IdentityFinder-].
* For Intel-based Macs, download the updated package above. If you have trouble installing the updated Mac version, uninstall the old version by dragging /Applications/IdentityFinder.app to the trash, and then install the new package.
_These settings will reduce false positives and help you locate sensitive information more efficiently._{tip}
h1. Running Identity Finder
[Click here for Guidance on Running Identity Finder|guardit:IDF-Guidance]
h1. Home Use
A separate version for home use has been licensed for Tufts faculty, staff, and students (unfortunately, Tufts affiliates are not eligible). This home-use version is not yet available, but will be available soon.