Once you have logged in select your division from the left hand column. Identity Finder refers to these group names as "Tags." Here you can view all the computers currently reporting Identity Finder results from your group to the console.
The Click on the group name and a list of results for the individual computer will open. If there are results you recognize as false positives, you can remove them from the list. This will help you get a better sense of who has sensitive data and if you should be talking to that particular user. Right click to choose "Remove" and then "Exclude Rows".
You will then be prompted to choose the rows you wish to exclude.
Similarly, you can delete rows that were generated in older scans or false positives. To delete rows, highlight the section you would like to delete and select "Delete Rows"
Once you have filtered the results to include only those which you believe contain sensitive data, call the end-user or users to notify them. You can give them the file locations so that they can view the files and choose to keep or delete them. Users are not required to remove the information from their computers.