Cluster computing is the result of connecting many local computers (nodes) together via a high speed connection to provide a single shared resource. Its distributed processing system allows complex computations to run in parallel as the tasks are shared among the individual processors and memory. Applications that are capable of utilizing cluster systems break down the large computational tasks into smaller components that can run in serial or parallel across the cluster systems, enabling a dramatic improvement in the time required to process large problems and complex tasks.What is a Cluster?
Faculty, Research Staff and students use this resource in support of a variety of research projects.
Faculty, Research Staff and students use this resource in support of a variety of research projects.
Research Cluster Restrictions
Conditions and use of the research cluster include and are not limited to the following expectations. Additional related details may be found throughout this page.
Expectations |
no user root access |
supported OS is RedHat 6 Enterprise version |
no user ability to reboot node(s) |
all cluster login access is via the login headnode |
no user machine room access to cluster hardware |
no alternative linux kernels other than the current REDHAT version |
no access to 10Gig Ethernet network hardware or software |
no user cron or at access |
no user servers/demons such as: HTTP(apache), FTP. etc. |
Cluster quality of service is managed through slurm |
all user jobs destined for compute nodes are submitted via slurmĀ commands |
all compute nodes follow a naming convention |
only Tufts Technology Services NFS approved research storage is supported |
idle nodes are scheduled by slurm |
no user contributed direct connect storage such as usb memory, or external disks |
only limited outgoing Internet access from the headnode will be allowed; exceptions must be reviewed |
allow approximate 2-week turn around for software requests |
whenever possible, commercial software limit to the two most recent versions |
Only user home directories and optional research NFS mounted storage is backed up |
temporary public storage file systems have no quota and are subject to automated file deletions |
Cluster does not export file systems to user desktops |
Cluster does not support Virtual Machine instances |
Please see SoftwareRequest for policy, details and timeline for software installation requests on the cluster.
Software request policy
Please send your request via email to and address the following questions:
- What is the the name of the software?
- Where can additional information about the software be found?
- Who are the intended users of the software?
- When is it needed by?
- Will it be used in support of a grant and if so what grant?
- What if any special requirements are needed?
Note: A software request normally may take up to 2 weeks. However depending on the installation complexity and number of packages requested it may take longer. When it appears that an assessment of the tasks suggest longer than 2 weeks we will contact you with an estimate so that prioritization can be made.