2. Bioinformatics services
a. Emboss and wEmboss:
Access to Emboss software is available on emboss.uit.tufts.edu , which provides both shell and web access. In both cases you will need an account. You may request an account at http://research.uit.tufts.edu . The server hardware is a single quad core 64 bit host with 4 gig of ram.
For shell access to command line tools:
> ssh -Y emboss.uit.tufts.edu
For access to the web interface wEmboss.
For access to emboss web documentation.
Emboss tutorial
If you have any questions about Emboss related usage, applications, or assistance with software, please contact bio-support@tufts.edu.
b. Tufts Center for Neuroscience Research Genomics Core
The Tufts CNR Genomics Core supplies links to bioinformatics resources related to their operation. See Tufts CNR Genomics Core Resources for more information.