Exchange Quota Management

Exchange Quota Management

Quota Defaults and Warnings


  • Default quota is 3GB


  • Default quota is 7GB

Information about Quota Thresholds

  • It is ESS' recommendation to not turn down quota increase requests. As an individual mailbox exceeds the thresholds set by TuftsTools a request to the UITSC can be made to increase via the Exchange Management Console to higher amounts. individual accounts at this juncture should not exceed 10gb for mailbox quota without approval from ESS specifically.

Recommendations for Administrative Maintenance of Quota


  • Students that are forwarding email outside of Exchange AND are hitting a quota warning should be recommended to either maintain their quota or modify their forward to no longer save copies of mail at Tufts. Quota increases should not be issued for students that simply forward their mail. The quota report has a last-login field that can be used to confirm if the student regularly uses the Tufts Exchange mail service.


  • Faculty and Staff are encourage to take advantage of quota increases rather than usage of local folders or other local based archival solutions.

Example Note:

"Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening"

We noticed that your email account was approaching the limit we have set for you. UIT has approved an increase in your quota to help make sure that you are able to store additional emails. For more information on how to maintain your email quota – please visit http://go.tufts.edu/quota for tips and tricks.

If you'd like to contact us, feel free to respond to this email or use our information below.

Tufts Technology Services

Checking Quota Use

Users can check their own quota use using the instructions at go.tufts.edu/quota.

FSP's can check a quota by visiting the FSP section of Tufts Tools, looking up the user, and checking the values in the "Exchange Mailbox Quota" section. This will show the amount currently used out of the current total quota.

Increasing a Quota

To increase a user's quota:

  1. First verify that they are nearing quota by checking using the steps above.
  2. After locating the user in Tufts Tools, change the value in the Exchange Mailbox Quota drop-down
  3. Click "Update" at the bottom of the page.

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