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Mac OSX Known Issues

  • Outlook 2011 can take longer than anticipated to send messages
  • There is an open case indicating the Mail Client for OSX 10.9 (Mavericks) may have some bugs in exchange 2010 attachment handling

Known Issues with the Activesync Protocol (Microsoft)

  • Android Kit Kat 4.4
    • We are tracking an issue with Android Kit Kat (4.4) and not synchronizing email using push settings.
      • Affected Nexus 5 users have set mail check frequency to 5 minutes as a workaround. This appears to be an issue with Kit Kat and Microsoft Exchange and is not related to Tufts implementation of exchange.
      • One Nexus 4 User has enabled the trust of all SSL Certificates and authentication to STARTTLS and has seen success of push synchronization for ~10hrs so far. (11/18/2013)
    • Please note that with Kit Kat, you must enter tufts\UTLN instead of just UTLN for the username field.
    • Confirmation bug still exists in 4.4 patches released before 11-26-2013
  • iOS Devices (iPhones, iPads, etc.)
    • Changing single instances of recurring meetings, especially if done by a delegate can sometimes not synchronize successfully with the iOS device, despite exchange (i.e. OWA) showing the synchronized change
    • This is a known issue on both Apple and Microsoft forums, best recommendations follow
      • Where possible don't reschedule single instances of re-ocurring meetings
      • Where possible update an executives calendar as the executive as opposed to using delegated rights
      • Where possible designate a single person to maintain an executives calendar at a time
      • Sometimes an email day of to accompany the change is helpful.
    • Resolving single incident issues usually requires either a toggle on/off of the calendar in iOS or in some extreme cases a full remap.

Failovers between Data Centers in Email

Database failovers are sometimes associated with maintenance windows (patching, restarting mailbox servers, etc.) A database will failover any time the connection to the active database is severed. Database failover testing will be part of regular operational maintenance of Exchange but would only occur within published maintenance windows. During maintenance windows unless otherwise specificed Tufts email is available throughout the entirety of the maintenance.

  • In some cases an email application left open during the maintenance window will require a restart of the application to clear cached mailbox information. This is rarely required.
  • Clients that were actively working during the maintenance window may have seen a disconnection from Exchange for 30 seconds shortly followed by a reconnection to the new database location in TAB.
  • In some cases a mobile device may require a restart, of the 10 devices used to test the change (4 BES, 6 Activesync), none required one.
  • If you believe you are seeing unexpected behavior that warrants escalation, please submit tickets to so we can track and coordinate our efforts.
  • Some Mac Mail clients will disassociate thier local cached copy of the mailbox and require a mailbox rebuild or worst case mailbox remapping to resolve.
    • Root cause of this is unknown at this point, there have been 3 instances recognized across the university during failover testing.
      • In the March 14th failover test (2012) there were no detected instances of this bug which was seen on November 19th.

 Archived Open Issues - 11/15/2013 and older

BIS (Blackberry Internet Service)

  • BIS IMAP connections cannot sync messages from before the point of synchronization. This means the first email on a BB post exchange migration will be from the migration date. This is a limitation of BIS, not a limitation of the migration or Tufts Exchange.

ActiveSync Connections

  • Many devices only can retrieve email delivered from the date of activation forward on server queries (Blackberry, iPhone, Palm)
  • Some Devices do not fully cache the entire email archive, and cannot provide full search functionality inside the mailbox (iPad, iPhone, iTouch)
  • Android devices place the Date and Time of a meeting invitation inside the Agenda Notes of a calendar invitation, if originating from Outlook 2010, this information is not available until AFTER a meeting invitation is accepted.
  • iPhones may experience problems mapping their Exchange account, or with intermittent timing out of the connection.

Server Mail

  • Exchange upon receiving old email will process email headers appropriately (as it thinks)
    • This is generally just from being migrated and is not expected to continue past migration week.
    • May accept old email calendar invitations
    • May deliver undeliverable messages for past out of office messages
  • Contacts in the Trumpeter email Address book will not be moved by the server, but can be manually exported to a comma delimited file for import directly into outlook.
  • Server-side Filter Rules on Trumpeter servers cannot be migrated to Exchange 2010 as rules or alerts.
  • Custom Mail Forwards in Trumpeter Tools will not be migrated as mail forwards in Exchange 2010
    • The Routing address from Trumpeter will be modified to, mail will no longer be delivered to the mailbox.
  • All Mail items will migrate to Exchange 2010 with some exceptions
    • Thunderbird Mail items on Macs can sometimes create MIME issues while migrating mailboxes.
  • Specific email items on the Trumpeter Server may have difficulty making the automatic migration over to the Exchange 2010 mailbox during the evening migrations. Each night a log of users who migrated is generated with the username and mail item subject that did not migrate. This list will be provided to the local FSP along with options for retrieving this mail.
  • If a user who is scheduled to migrate to Exchange 2010 from Trumpeter is NOT migrated but the email split is still put in place, then email delivery to may result in a bounce from To rectify this, request split delivery to cease from UITSC.
  • If a redirection rule is created in OWA, messages in which the recipient is BCC'd (e.g. RT ticket updates) will not redirect.
    • Instead, the user should set up forwarding through the Tufts Tools options, which will resolve the issue.

Addressbook Magic Script

  • As of the latest version, local folders in all locations should migrate automatically. In case of any issues, more information is here:
  • If run on a Windows XP machine, the maximum supported file size is 100MB by default but you can exceed this if necessary.
  • Addrload renames local folders with special characters to their ALT# equivalents. Manually rename them to resolve this. (special characters like "/" "&" "@" etc.)

Client Connections

Outlook Web Application

  • Chrome Skype Addon can conflict with Outlook Web Access, disabling the skype plugin appears to resolve the issue.
    • Symptoms: Inability to use GAL or send email.

Outlook 2003 / 2007

  • A recently released Microsoft Office update (KB2412171) causes Outlook to incorrectly populate the "Email Address" field when Outlook autoconfigures (uses instead of
    • Recommendations are to skip that update in WSUS, or manually enter the settings on computers which have the update installed
    • Microsoft article
  • After the upgrade to SP1, some Outlook clients hang when trying to "Check Name" in setup, and report that they can't connect to the Exchange server
    • This issue has been resolved by server-side changes as of 3/1/2011. If you have trouble configuring an account on a domained computer on campus, please see the issue above this one, or contact UITSC if you are still having trouble.
    • Recommended workaround is to use as the server address (instead of tftmexarray) when configuring the account
    • An alternative is to configure RPC over HTTPS, but this can diminish Outlook's performance
  • Outlook 2003 intermittently resets the server name in the Account Settings to "Instance-(long string of letters and numbers)" and then cannot connect to the Exchange server.
    • This is a known issue with Outlook 2003 and Exchange 2010
    • Changing the server name back to will resume the connection to Exchange
    • More information can be found here.
  • Synchronizing Forms Error
    • Some users receive "Error synchronizing folder [80004005-501-4B9-560]" in their sync error logs folder
    • This is a known issue with Exchange 2010. More information can be found here
    • These error logs do not indicate a true synchronization issue with a user's mail. There are no known workarounds to prevent these errors, other than turning off Cached Exchange Mode, which is not recommended for a number of other performance reasons.
  • When a mailbox is opened as an "additional mailbox" in Outlook, mail sent or deleted from that account is by default stored in the user's personal Sent Items or Deleted Items folders, not the corresponding folders in the additional account.
    • This is a known issue from Microsoft
    • More information, including fixes, can be found here.
  • A contact list in Outlook does not automatically show when composing an email and clicking "To"
    • Right click on the contact list, go to Properties > Outlook Address Book and check to show as an address book
  • Some Outlook clients after importing contacts can recieve a "None of your accounts can send to this address" type of bounce when trying to send mail. This is related to the postings on MSTechnet
    • For resolution either delete the contact/cached contact in the local addressbook or update the contact to be an SMTP contact as recommended in the thread.

Entourage EWS

  • Existing Exchange users cannot use Entourage EWS and Exchange 2003
  • Exchange 2010 users cannot use Entourage 2008, they must upgrade to EWS.

Mac Mail / iCal / Addressbook / iOS / iCloud / Google Sync

  • Potential problems with iCloud on iOS5 devices.

icloud represents a three-party sync (device, exchange, apple) which should be avoided at all costs.

Exchange <-> Device <-> Apple iCloud servers

The reason multiple Activesync Devices/Computers work, is even though there are multiple destinations where data is viewed, there is still only a two-way sync in place:

Exchange <--> Device1 (iphone)
Exchange <--> Device2 (ipad, laptop, desktop, etc.)

In the incident I worked on this week, as events from the device synchronized across to iCloud, they were removed from the Exchange calendar. This created the perception that Exchange was losing events, when in reality the three-way synchronization was incorrectly shifting them to a location where Exchange no longer saw them.

Other potential symptoms of three way sync's is through mass duplications in addition to mass deletions.

  • As of the Exchange SP1 upgrade, Mac Mail on Snow Leopard (10.6) is not properly detecting outgoing settings, which allows it to send on campus, but not off campus
    • This was resolved as of 3/18/11. Any clients configured after that date should auto-detect the correct settings.
    • Clients configured before that date may need changes, see here for instructions.
  • Some IMAP clients may exhibit delays while sending in the early morning (before 6AM) and early evening (after 6PM)
    • This is suspected to be part of the backup procedure. An efficiency gain has been identified and is being put through testing to see if this will resolve this observed slowness. IMAP clients (10.4.x and 10.5.x) tend to see this more than MAPI clients.
  • Attachment Issues in Exchange IMAP connections (10.4.x and 10.5.x)
    • Attachments are coming through fine in OWA
    • These have been identified as known issues in Mac forums, and are still being tracked and investigated at Tufts
    • Truncated attachments:
      • 10.6.x upgrade or mailbox rebuild are recommended
    • Attachments coming through as text:
      • Mailbox rebuild doesn't seem to help, suggest a 10.6.x upgrade
  • The Local Folder Import in Mac Mail may sometimes fail, do spot xchecks on the folders and use Addressbook Magic if necessary (addrload -mv tb mac:"c:\mail")
  • Public Folders do not appear in this client. OWA is an access point for these folders.
  • Events created in Meeting Maker prior to the migration are not being able to be modified in iCal until after they have already been modified in OWA / Outlook or other non-macintosh client. Modifying the Subject of the date is enough to reset the permissions on this.
    • This was resolved as of 7/30/2010, any migrations performed after this date should not experience this problem.
  • Apple Mail sometimes doesn't display the images/HTML content of email
    • Using Pref Setter, set defaults write PreferPlainText -bool False
    • More info and other workarounds here


  • OSX (10.7.3) Thunderbird clients on domained macs when set to NTLM and logged in with the authenticated AD user will pass AD credentials by default and thus not prompt for password.
  • Thunderbird will by default save sent messages in Thunderbird's "Sent" folder, rather than Exchange's "Sent Items" folder unless changes manually in Account Settings. Messages in "Sent" will not sync with the server.
    • See correct setup instructions here
  • Thunderbird is slow or errors when copying a sent message to the Sent Items folder
  • Some IMAP clients may exhibit delays while sending in the early morning (before 6AM) and early evening (after 6PM)
    • This is suspected to be part of the backup procedure. An efficiency gain has been identified and is being put through testing to see if this will resolve this observed slowness. IMAP clients tend to see this more than MAPI clients.
  • IMAP Thunderbird doesn't sync reply or forward flag from emails forwarded/replied in OWA
  • IMAP Thunderbird doesn't auto-update on the server that messages have been filed or deleted (location change)
    • This can be fixed by making changes in Config Editor, see here
    • Alternatively, compacting folders will force a reconciliation.
  • IMAP Thunderbird sometimes breaks HTML email so it can't always be "viewed" in Thunderbird. It can be done in OWA or Outlook.
  • These differences reflect some of the service level changes between a supported client (can send/receive email) and a recommended client.

Local Folders / Archived Email

  • Email messages imported on a Macintosh, due to the way the database files work, will often lose the following flags
    • Starred as "Important*
    • Read/Unread
    • Replied/Forwarded
  • Email Messages imported on a PC will have the following occur
    • Messages Starred as "Important" in Thunderbird will be "Flagged" in Outlook
  • Local Mail migrated from Thunderbird will have incorrect dates until the view is changed from 'Received' to 'Sent'
    • See here for instructions.
  • Local Folders with illegal characters (e.g. !.,&()/) in the folder name will migrate to Outlook with the folder name changes to a random string of numbers.


Meeting Maker to Exchange 2010

  • Your Calendar Reminders may not migrate, you should verify important meetings have appropriate reminders set. See here to add reminders to multiple events after migration.
  • Multi-day banners came across only on the FIRST day ( i.e. a multiple day 7/1-7/6 NYC Banner only came to 7/1)
  • Recurring events set to occur on the nearest "Monday" appear to only hold the date of their original recurrence and do not move.
  • Labels set in Meeting Maker did not make it over to "Categories" in Exchange (neither colors, or the attributes)
  • Unaccepted MM invites appeared in Exchange calendar, still waiting for action. For simplicity sake people should continue to act on these events prior to migration, since if the group is split the acceptance/decline will not make it over to the meeting maker users.
  • Meetings with resourced (M&V Conf/Training Room 232) appeared as resources, although were not linked to the room anymore since the resource did not exist in both meeting maker and exchange.
  • Meetings with other attendee's kept them as optional invitees but they came across as: which is NOT an email address that forwards to an exchange mailbox.
    • when rescheduling the meeting, Barbara Heffernan received the email link as an email, but this would be a manual move of the event for anyone not on exchange.
  • Confidential/Private events retain this flag after the migration
  • All meetings/events come over marked as "High Importance"
  • Recurring events that occur "from the months end" or "from the month beginning" recur only on the day in which the original event was created. I.E. "3 days from the month end" event made in Febuary recurs on the 25th of every month, regardless of the month.
  • Contacts in Meeting Maker do not get migrated.
  • Tasks/To-Dos in Meeting Maker do not get migrated
  • Any client customizations (auto-accept invites, renaming labels, custom work hours etc.) does not get migrated.
  • Calendar Sharing Permissions need to be recreated in Exchange
    • You must share using the GAL contact, you cannot modify calendar permissions with LDAP or personal contacts.
  • Calendar events that have end dates past a certain point (e.g. some repeating calendar events) will not be imported into the Exchange calendar. This can happen with events with the "Ongoing" checkbox for recurrence set out to 2039.
  • Recurring events with Invitee's are not coming over as a single event with recurrence, but repeating single events.
  • Duplication can occur in Calendar migrations when in addition to the MM event, an ICS email attachment, or email invitation was previously sent. Exchange can populate these emails into the calendar.
  • Sometimes only 30-50% of a Calendar will be migrated, this is still being investigated as non-migrated events can fall outside of the other known issues.

  • No labels