The Tufts High Performance Compute (HPC) cluster delivers 35,845,920 cpu hours and 59,427,840 gpu hours of free compute time per year to the user community.

Teraflops: 60+ (60+ trillion floating point operations per second) cpu: 4000 cores gpu: 6784 cores Interconnect: 40GB low latency ethernet

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Network Concurrent Software Licenses

Network concurrent licenses are a class of licenses that grants access to a network attached software client installed on remote hardware. However, not all cluster software is of this type. Concurrent network licenses are chosen to allow flexible use by a larger user-base than the number of licenses offered. As a result, most of the licensed software on the cluster is "shared" within Tufts. In effect, access is possible for Tufts owned workstations found in various computer labs and faculty desktops. These licenses were scaled to support research work and not classroom or instructional use. As a result, there is no guarantee of obtaining a fixed number of licenses. Access is first come, first served.

The following software license count is as follows:


Concurrent seat count


















2 user - 8 cpus



Portland Compilers








In most cases software on the research cluster is supported by a 3-head redundant FlexLM license server. This makes possible uninterrupted 24x7 license service requests by software clients. Setup and additional information can be found here or here.
NOTE: Authenticated access is restricted to the Tufts network domain.


Many of the above license are limited. Concurrent usage can become a problem if these limits are exceeded. Please do not submit a number of jobs that exceed the size of the licenses needed. Bad things will happen such as no access! If you intend to do simulations requiring many licenses, please contact and let us know what you intend to do.

Mathematica Faculty Home Use Program

Tufts Mathematica license allows for Tufts' participation in the vendor's Home Use Program. Full-time Tufts Faculty may obtain access to a stand-alone copy from the vendor. The version the vendor supplies is a stand alone version(with it's own license). Under this program, this is a transaction between the faculty member and the vendor. The vendor supplied individual password and media expire in conjunction with the Tufts license each year on March 31st. It is up to the requesting faculty member to contact Mathematica to receive an updated password. It is not automatic. If no action is taken, your license expires. In addition, upgrades are free, but you will need to request those as well via the vendor home-use website. Note, the number of faculty that may participate is capped to the size of our concurrent license and is first come first serve. The following license id is needed to register: L2806-0850

Faculty may register here.

Mathematica and the student desktop

As of April 1, 2009, Tufts Wolfram license allows for student use and installation on privately owned student hardware. A Tufts registered student may download an image file for purposes of installing Mathematica Ver. 7.0. ISO images for Mac, Windows and linux platforms are available. These images may be mounted or burned to disk for installation purposes. Mathematica user documentation is in the product or online at the vendor website. NOTE: License authentication is provided within the Tufts network domain as a network concurrent license subject to our license constraints. This is not a license that you can travel with, for example, unless you use the Tufts VPN for obtaining a virtual private network connection. For more information see VPN
Software may be downloaded here. License server information for purposes of installation is mentioned here.

Tufts University's license agreement with Mathematica restricts use of the Mathematica software to university faculty, staff and students working on institutionally-owned or leased computers. Faculty home use of the software on a faculty member's personally-owned computer is permitted for academic research and instruction under a separate addendum to the university's agreement with Wolfram Research. Student home use of the software on a student's personally-owned computer is permitted for academic research and instruction under a separate addendum to the university's agreement with Wolfram Research.


A single floating network license for TecPlot 360 is available on the cluster and faculty/graduate student desktops. License server configuration information is mentioned here.

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