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Fletcher SQ Training #1 9/4/2024

1:50 overview of what FGI is doing/goals
3:30 wants people to be interactive; has standard examples, but wants to use real examples
4:21 Bases/person v.application
10:00 one to one and one to many relationships
10:30 related records
17:45 sample build, everyone who has a rank 1 address in MA
22:40 different types of exports and how they are grouped
24:30 adding rank 2 address
25:37 deleting exports using ctrl-click and drag
28:00 adding filter for rank 2 address in MA
30:30 filters are automatically 'and'
32:00 sample build, applications from people whose rank 1 address is MA
24:30 base join
41:00 direct versus extended exports
recommendation to keep extended exports turned off, and do joins directly to the query overall
50:00 direct join
53:00 one row per base

Fletcher SQ Training #2 9/11/2024

1:50 review of address build
7:00 determination of table ranks
10:30 renaming joins to prevent confusion
14:00 adding 'or' in filters
15:50 old STL 'active' address is the same as #1 rank overall
16:45 application by population base
18:00 sample query, application base: finding applications from people who went to Tufts before (rank 1)
26:00 subquery: looking for Tufts across all previous schools
31:50 check logic button
33:00 (the problem of) base joins to multiple schools
36:00 adding sorts and filter to that base join
39:00 one row per school
44:30 different types of bases
46:30 sample query school base
50:00 sample query form responses
53:00 join to form
53:45 question looking for the first form response

Fletcher CJ Training #3 9/20/2024
1:00 Troubleshooting: why is US missing in ist of countries in exports--in STL exports, Tristan showed how US is hard coded to return null--may have been custom coded for Fletcher
8:00 review of CJ version of that query
12:00 using a subquery to find all of the enrolling students
14:45 direct v. extended filter reminder
16:15 using <> with dates
16:55 relative dates (today - x) days are default; weeks, years, fortnights ?! but probably not months
18:45 subquery export from applications
19:40 concatenate output
21:30 form responses, starting with people
22:50 adding a sort
23:40 adding details of which form
24:40 limiting which forms are returned
29:30 adding subquery export of other forms returned
36:50 Origin Sources overview
44:00 Sample query on Origin Sources
47:45 existence export
48:30 system query : one row per origin source group name, or origin group source type
--> Tristan off in the weeds satisfying his own curiosity: independent subqueries, reviewing the SQL in a custom SQL base, trying to see what he can get attached back to person for origin sources
but does eventually come back round to doing a count of people who have each type of origin source


In this session, we walked through a number of troubleshooting examples where joins were misconfigured or where nuances of EXISTS NOT IN vs. NOT EXISTS IN affected the results. Leigh also asked about the location information that sometimes appears on student timelines tied to message clicks or ping activity; the message track query base does have an export for Region, and we could get at country as well with a formula export. Other location information on the timeline appears to be derived from the [person.login] table, and one of the library exports that FGI added includes the most recent login city.


In this session, we walked through the library exports that FGI has set up in the Fletcher instance and also talked about how to create your own library exports for common exports and filters that you'd like to reuse in future queries. As we saw, sometimes library exports and filters can be added without any additional configuration, but in most cases they still expect that you would configure something about them: a tags filter for example might expect that you select the tag name you want to check for, it would just save you the steps of adding joins to get to that point.

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