Adobe Software Deployment in LANDesk

Adobe Software Deployment in LANDesk

The best way to deploy the Adobe Media is via LANdesk

1) In LANDesk click on the TOP TOOLS menu
2) Click in Distribution
3) Click on Distribution Packages

1) Expand the Public Packages
2) Expand the TUFTS tab
3) There you will see ADOBE CC (all packages are there).
4) RIGHT click on media you want to deploy and click SCHEDULE A TASK
5) Then add the computer name in the TOP open search bar and DRAG it into the SOFTWARE on lower left that will be deployed
5) Right click on the scheduled task and your can click START
6) Click refresh tab to start this process of deployment

        • Reminder, if you want to deploy the ENTIRE suite its very big and will take up a ton of space. You can find the ENTIRE suite under ADOBE COMMON SOFTWARE ~ but note, it's NOT available in a full package for a MAC at this time 9/5/13 and will have to be pushed up one at a time.
        • ON MACS we found out that end users need to be connected on Ethernet and NOT WIFI to push media

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