Clinical Faculty - Email Token Reset
Clinical Faculty - Email Token Reset
Email Token Reset allows clinical faculty that have already registered Clinical Faculty - Account Registration or updated their account Clinical Faculty - Update Account to receive an email token to reset their password if they have forgotten it. One of these two items is required to be able to use the email token reset. This is necessary in order to ensure that the token being sent is being sent to a known, good, email address.
- Visit http://tuftstools.tufts.edu and select the second Elephant "I forgot or Don't know my password"
- You will be prompted to enter in the first set of information. The Self Service page has been modified to detect whether the account being looked up is a clinical affiliate AND if that affiliate has gone through one of the two tools above. If EITHER of those checks fail, then they are taken to the staff and faculty reset page.
- A prompt to email a token is made. The token will expire in 24 hours, and a second token would need to be issued.
- Token is sent to the external email address
- This token will take you directly back to the password setting and carries the session of the website in its cache, so anytime during the 24 hours it can be redeemed
- Your new password must be secure and comply with the standards set forth by Tufts University
- Once your password has been successfully reset, another confirmation email is sent that the transaction has been completed.
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