How to perform OSD via WinPE Provisioning

How to perform OSD via WinPE Provisioning

How to perform OSD via WinPE Provisioning

Requirements for the computer

  • Ethernet NIC Registered in BlueCat
  • Computer object created in Active Directory

In the BIOS

  • Hard drive SATA Operation set to AHCI or Auto-Detect
  • Network Card turned on w/ PXE operation.

Other requirements

  • Computer to be built must be on the same subnet as a PXE rep. You can find instructions to deploy a PXE rep here: Deploying and removing a PXE representative. Alternatively, if there is no PXE server available on the subnet you can use USB bootable stick with Landesk WinPE on it

Begin Building

If you are rebuilding a system. Delete all records for the system in LANDesk first.

  1. Turn on the computer and at the system screen, press "F12" repeatedly to select an an alternate boot device on Dells. With other models, the key you need to press may be different.
  2. Select Network card
  3. Watch and Wait
  4. After the PXE Server has been located, you will be prompted with an option to load the Pre-boot provisioning menu (F8)
    • Hit F8, you will have 4 seconds.
  5. Select Windows PE Provisioning

6.WinPE image will be loaded from the LANDesk PXE rep, this will enable the computer to perform the rest of the build process.

7.Once the WinPE Image completes loading and basic drivers are loaded, you will be prompted with the option to enter your Tufts credentials.

8. Select the appropriate template from the menu, and use it for your build.



If the WinPE image loads but you are never prompted for credentials, the computer probably isn't registered in bluecat.

  1. Open a new command prompt by left clicking on the green icon in the bottom left corner and select new console
  2. type ipconfig and verify the computer has a 130.64 IP address. If it has a 172.16, it needs to be registered on the network. If it has a 130.64 and you are still not being prompted for credentials, there might be an issue with the PXE server

Still having issues?

If you are still having issues with WinPE provisioning, please submit a ticket to support-systems@tufts.edu. Please include the following information:

  • A detailed explanation of the issue you are seeing
  • Mac Address of the computer your are attempting to image
  • Building location
  • Name of the template you are using

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