Landesk Agent
LANDesk 9.0 SP3 Agent for Macs
- Remote Control is now working with the new LANDesk Mac Agent for Service Pack (SP3)
Agent Location
- The Mac Agent can be downloaded from the Public folder on the FSP software share
- \\titan\software$\Public\LANDesk Agents\90_SP3\
Known Issues
-Remote Control is broken
-The install location for the Landesk agent has changed from /Applications/Utilities/Landesk to /Library/Application Support/Landesk/bin/Landesk
Solutions or Workarounds
Although there are no current solutions or workarounds, it is recommended to install the Landesk agent on new Lion computers. Official Lion support will be added in SP3 which is expected out late December (no official date from Landesk). At that time, older incompatible agents can be automatically updated. Additionally, inventory and software distribution currently work on Lion.
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