2012-3-28 - Medford Campus Quarterly Meeting
2012-3-28 - Medford Campus Quarterly Meeting
- Kara Bilotta (presenter)
- Molly Clark
- Lisa Duhaime
- James Moran
- Judi Vellucci
- Tony Sulprizio
- Bidiak Amana
- Jeff Weiner
- Thom Cox
- Mary Murphy White
- Anthony Veliz
- Jeff Kosokoff
- Cyndi Rubino
Meetings going forward:
- Quarterly makes sense
What people are working on:
- ITS (Bidiak)
- Working On a privileges escalation app that can raise permissions to give admin for specific actions, programs
- ITS is bringing up the server, working with vendor
- OIT was interested but didn't have time for testing at this point
- Ops IT and Tisch have been starting to explore something similar, but at very early stages
- Working On a privileges escalation app that can raise permissions to give admin for specific actions, programs
- Ops it is also interested in virtualization
- We can help by making connections - affinity group, other groups that are working on it
- ITS (Tony) piloting Iron Mountain for desktop backup, just getting started
- Fletcher (Cyndi) conducting focus groups about how people are using technology, getting people more engaged with technology, how it can enhance the classroom and work
- Tisch (Thom) is also surveying about technology expectations in the library. Looking to get a better idea of what students want to see in the library, e.g. They all wait to use Macs.
- Does UIT have a project relating to loaning iPads to faculty?
- Tisch is loaning iPads to students, testing this out
- From Kara, there is also an Apple support affinity group
- Bidiak - Cyndi and Marc are working on procedure for deploying computers,how to involve training for Windows 7 and Office
- Dong a training class 1 week after the deploy
- Looking to add something specific to laptops, how to take care of them
- Operations
- Working with the new SIS to make sure nothing will break with card access SQL database when it goes live. Need a new SQL resource - do we know of anyone?
- ITS offers database services, but may need to reevaluate. It's challenging to provide the needed level of service. Not enough database experts. Uniting students is challenging because they are smart but then they leave.
- Jeff - classroom refresh
- Recent challenge is digitizing VHS. The machines are impossible to find, but it's not legal to digitize video for the teachers.
- It seems like this actually is legal, Ed media can charge to digitize them.
- Recent challenge is digitizing VHS. The machines are impossible to find, but it's not legal to digitize video for the teachers.
- UIT has multiple heads - AT feels very separate
- UIT is looking at incorporating more AT service support at the front lines
- How does CRM fit into existing governance bodies (SAT, ITLF, ITAC)
- ITLF has similar goals but is very UIT-centric, so is SAT, we want information from you
- This is more about information sharing between groups, similar initiatives
- We (CRM) can be "experts" on the other IT groups, this makes us better at consulting, answering questions, making connections
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