Printer Configuration Checklist
Printer Setup
- Device Section
- Enter the Conway Asset Tag under "Asset Number".
- Enter the Physical Location under "Device Location".
- Enter the Contact Information under "System Contact".
- Make sure Date and Time and Time Zone are correct under "Date and Time".
- Security Section
- Ensure the printer's Access Control List is set to only allow printing from as few machines as possible, usually the Pharos Print Server for that respective printer. Â Access Control Lists are set by IP. Â Please note: Â The subnet mask refers to the IP entered in the Access Control List. Â For example, to allow printing from a specific subnet enter as the IP Address and use a mask of Â To allow printing from a specific machine, enter as the IP and as the mask.
- Set Disable Direct PortsTurn to Yes to turn off external physical ports such as USB and parallel ports.
- Set Control Panel Access to Intermediate Lock.
- Set Embedded Web Server Password
- Set SNMP Community Name under "Get Community Name"
- Printer configuration changes are made via HP's WebJetAdmin software.
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