CAS API Troubleshooting

CAS API Troubleshooting

Posted to Slack group 4/26/2024 by Briana Sheehan from Liaison International:

If you are using the standard CAS to Slate data integration, which uses the CAS API, I encourage you to review your subscriptions and potentially do replays to catch up on data from yesterday. There were Slate SFTP connection issues for part of the day. Technolutions provided more details in this forum thread.We recommend you do the following:

  1. Review your subscriptions to ensure all events are enabled.

  • Run the GET subscriptions list by organization endpoint ({{baseUrl}}/v1/applicationForms/{{applicationFormID}}/organizations/{{organizationID}}/subscriptions) to retrieve the active subscription IDs.

  • For each subscription ID, run the GET subscription details by organization endpoint ({{baseUrl}}/v1/applicationForms/{{applicationFormID}}/organizations/{{organizationID}}/subscriptions/{{subscriptionID}}). Make sure all of the business events you wish to subscribe to are there and enabled. Disabled = false should be in the top block with the overall subscription details as well as in each business event's subscription details block (see image).

  • If the overall subscription has disabled = true, then the whole subscription has been disabled and you need to recreate it using a POST subscription endpoint ({{baseUrl}}/v1/applicationForms/{{applicationFormID}}/organizations/{{organizationID}}/subscriptions).

  • If any of the individual subscription details blocks show disabled = true, then you can enable the individual business events using the PUT enable disabled subscription endpoint ({{baseUrl}}/v1/applicationForms/{{applicationFormID}}/organizations/{{organizationID}}/subscriptions/{{subscriptionID}}/enable). Use the subscription ID in the URL and in the body add the subscription details ID found in the response from the GET subscription details endpoint. If you do not use variables make sure to delete the curly brackets. The PUT endpoint will need to be run for each disabled business event.

  1. If your subscriptions were disabled that means the CAS API was unable to connect to Slate's SFTP and the retry attempts failed. You will want to replay your subscriptions for yesterday's outage up until you recreated or enabled your subscriptions.

  • Use the POST create replay endpoint ({{baseUrl}}/v1/applicationForms/{{applicationFormID}}/organizations/{{organizationID}}/replays) to replay an entire subscription.

  • Use the POST create replay EVENT TRIGGER endpoint ({{baseUrl}}/v1/applicationForms/{{applicationFormID}}/organizations/{{organizationID}}/replays) to replay a specific business event.

If you need assistance or have any questions please reach out to our support team at apisupport@liaisonedu.com.

As noted here, there are very specific instructions for creating a copy of your CAS production environment and labelling it as a test environment to create a test account in during the pre-launch phase.

If any in-progress files come through at the very beginning of the cycle (or even prior to the opening date) with the name of the Test environment, rather than the production environment, it means there were issues with the promotion of environments to production:

From: API Support <apisupport@liaisonedu.com>
Sent: Thursday, May 9, 2024 10:14 AM

Ref.: Case# 00354628

Dear Elizabeth,

It appears that yesterday both programs were approved and promoted to the live application inadvertently.  The TEST program was inactivated but not before the applicant had added to their application.  The program is closed, so they will be unable to submit the application.

Let us know if you have additional questions.


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