Research: Attempting to connect Slate to Box

Research: Attempting to connect Slate to Box

Using Box with FTPS



June 27, 2017 12:14 (Edited 6 years ago)

Hi Leah,

I have not attempted this with PDF's, however I have with other files from Slate such as Excel and TXT files. The setup for my institution was simple.  Below are a steps I performed (may differ between institutions).

  1. Box:  Since my institution is using a Single Sing-On service, an external password setup was needed. To setup, you will need to navigate to your account and visit the "Authentication" section (Your account settings > "Account Tab" > scroll to "Authentication".  You might need to check with your IT office for assistance.

  1. Schedule Export: I had to export to a custom server and connect to:

ftps://<yourusername@domain>:<externalpassword>@ftp.box.com:<port number>

Ports will most likely be either 21 (standard) or 990 (implicit encryption).  I used the Box help guides for this portion.   

There is an opportunity to set your paths, encryption, and variables before saving and activating.

So far, this process has worked well for me.

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