Pre-FGI review of school situation
Primary School flag
Fletcher has had one from before 2021:
Note that their language is focused on institution, not degree: Primary Degree (Please check “yes” if this is the institution where you receive your primary Bachelors-level degree or equivalent)
in at least some cases, when the student received both a MS and a Bachelor’s degree from the same institution and marks both as primary, that is correct for what is being asked for, but requires more effort to get the data out correctly.
There is even a query that looks for this, originally written by Technolutions as custom SQL back in 2016:
2/19/2025 confirmed/agreed that the wording is a problem, and they are really looking for primary degree
“Primary” flag was added for 2025 cycle. Both GSBS and NUTR need to be backfilled on this.
Univ Toronto vs. University of Toronto Schools: Univ Toronto has been selected by no one; everyone has selected University of Toronto Schools, but that is the name of a secondar school system. So. Updated name of Univ Toronto to make it findable, marked the high school as a high school and hid it.
Have at least 44 school records associated with the high school rather than the college that need to be moved over: