Connecting with DBeaver

Connecting with DBeaver

Updating the Driver

Download this driver: denodo-vdp-jdbcdriver-9.0.4.jar

In dBeaver, go to the Database Manager and select Driver Manager.

Find the Denodo driver and then go to the Libraries tab.  Delete the driver entry that is there and then Add File.  Point to the location of the driver - (eg. <Denodo Home Directory>/tools/client-drivers)

In the settings tab, ensure that the fields match the screenshot below


Creating a Connection

Once that is done, add a Database connection as such.

Use the Virtual Data Port URL’s laid out here: Denodo Servers and URLsarchived



Enabling SSL Connectivity

You need to configure DBeaver to connect using SSL. You can accomplish this by updating the Driver Properties of a Denodo connection in DBeaver.