Issue Description
From Elaine Collins, Re: New Question Samantha Fox “We are researching a student (1511570) who had two applications in Slate (they are in a joint DVM/MD-MPH program). They should have been a PA resident but when I look at self reported residency data in SIS, I only see MA as the state of residency…..I only ever see MA being the value we sent from SIS to PF for this student.
Permanent address was updated by student in SIS 7/3 to Pennsylvania, which updated the address in PF, but not the residency (which is acting like it should). [Tested by Elaine 7/2024--residency data, once sent, does not get overwritten in PF].
As shown above, Pennsylvania is state of Legal Residence in VMCAS, and both Mailing and Permanent Addresses are in Massachusetts.
In VMCAS there are also the program questions used to confirm residency:
All three of these fields are matched to individual Slate fields, but there is no built-in logic or double-checking, so we end up with data like this, where the three relevant fields do not match or are missing information.
In PF the data looks like this, just for reference:
2 aid years are sent at a time, 2023 and 2024 sent evening 9:30 and 10:30pm-ish into PF staging tables, which load into PF the following morning. It is possible to run the job ad hoc for a particular student to the staging table in PF, which is what we were doing for testing.
the VT feed to SIS from Slate is currently using permanent address to populate the residency field
students cannot adjust the residency field
Self-reported State Residency flows to VT State of Origin in PF
changes made to the state of residency in SIS do not affect the State of Origin field in PF if the student is no longer in Admissions
Resolution Steps
Work with Dmitri to adjust what data he is pulling from the VMCAS application to be the application-scoped legal state of residence (legal_state).
Vet should review legal state of residency in comparison to the programmatic questions, and adjust the VMCAS legal state field as necessary. If any changes are made, Financial Aid must be informed in order to update PowerFaids. [Set this up as a deliver message, if I can…]