Install Denodo Client on Mac

Install Denodo Client on Mac

Install and Update Denodo VDP/ Admin tool to run it locally on a Mac

 Install Instructions

Generally trying to follow this how-to: Download the Installer — Denodo Platform Installation Guide 8.0

  1. Download Install package from box.

    1. See :

      1. link to VDP Client Folder https://tufts.box.com/s/weckhzaonwvx90b0kjp35w49aqjks8hm

    2. We want the VDP Client for this application

  2. Move download and Unzip into a Denodo Home directory.

    1. I will be using Applications/Denodo

  3. Give permissions to run the script

    1. chmod +x install.sh (or installer_cli.sh)

Notice: You need Java 11 for this installation

Common Problem # 1 Java is not at version 11.

  1. Java --version

  2. brew install openjdk@11

  3. Java --version

Common Problem # 2 Java Home must be set and exported.

  1. export JAVA_HOME=/usr/local/opt/openjdk@11/libexec/openjdk.jdk/Contents/Home

  2. add to bottom of .bashrc and source it (your link may vary)

4. Install, including home directory

a. ./install.sh ~/Applications/Denodo/

i. ./installer_cli install

b. Updates should be automatically installed when using the graphical interface on an internet connected device

5. Move the cacerts file from: https://tufts.box.com/s/93ouw91qd4y6f0ugnuy3wmrthvurk8g8 to JAVA_HOME/lib/security/

a. for my example, the path would be /usr/local/opt/openjdk@11/libexec/openjdk.jdk/Contents/Home/lib/security

Verify VDP Tool is Working

  1. cd Applications/Denodo/bin

  2. Connect to tufts VPN

  3. ./vdpadmin.sh

  4. Log into the virtual dataport server at //denodo-dev-01.it.tufts.edu:9999/admin using your UTLN

    Example Login Screen


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