Detailed description of desired deliverable:
Create an environment in TUP where students who have been admitted to a TUSMGP program can complete an application for disability accommodations which can be reviewed and managed by OGSS staff in Slate.
Goal is to have a form available for April 2024.
Reviewed student success documentation, one significant issue is that unless timeline access is turned off for all Slate users, emails sent to and from the student are viewable in the timeline.
Olivia created a test form here:
From Olivia:
Common verification forms – “what do you want them to be called”?
Chronic Health Disability Verification Form:
Mental Health Disability Verification Form:
Physical Disability Verification Form:
List of most common accommodations
extended time (standard is time and half) on quizzes and exams
ability to take exam in a distraction reduced setting
extension for assignments/projects
Ability to record lectures, notes, materials, and assignments.
Movement breaks
Access to voice recognition software
Access to text to speech software
Peer Note taker
Alternative exam formats (paper exam instead of examsoft)
1/8/2024 - created a round and test app in TUP test to begin to identify process:
Round is inactive, does it need a portal?
Need to update period each year?
Created application in 380229622 Caesar, Anastasius
profile materials carry over (application upon submission, transcripts) – do we want that?
Need to hide all the other app-scoped tabs here
Use dashboard at the top or do we need a tab?
exclude from rules?
app status rules?
Created material types (Disability Verification: XYZ)
Should be set as available for upload through student self-service website?
Can restrict by population… maybe have them submit the form, and then they can upload these through the portal? Can’t put into population until they have submitted something…
Restrict by custom permission?
Created activity
parent code vs. sub-codes
Accommodations> Decision
Accommodations>Staff Notes
Accommodations>Student Communications
restrict by custom permission? (who can add or who can view? or everything?)
Configure to show in the reader
1/8/2024 - Met w/Olivia and decided the following:
Student will submit form to create application.
Modify form to add a question about if they have their documentation (one of the 3), if they do can upload in the form, if not they should submit and Olivia will get later. If later, student email to Olivia and she will upload in Slate on the back-end. Provide link to website for full description of documentation needs.
Approval entity is good; have one field for accomodation duration (until graduation vs. temporary). If temporary, provide a specific end-date.
Will do basic workflow with bin for inquiry/newly submitted, has documentation vs. awaiting documentation, ready for final review, decided. Need form for first review and then form for final review/decision.
Add decision code of “Accommodation Approved” Olivia will upload custom PDF of letter (won’t use the letter template in Slate for now becuase they are complicated with lots of logic).
Create material type to export application, forms, letter, and notes into a single PDF for archiving.
2/28/2024 - Met w/Olivia and decided the following:
Need custom app-scoped field for accommodations request status.
Awaiting Documentation
Under Review
Approved/Pending Program Notification
Other notes/decisions
Need one query or students who need a decision & letter and one query for students pending notification to the program.
Can remove hold bin
Not sure we need “decided” bin?
Screening form to add entity rows (eep)
General review form with just comments box
Still need to make workflow rules
Form communications
Confirmation page
Email sent upon submission
Snippet for Olivia signature/contact info?
Simple portal with one view saying “thanks for submitting, if you have questions talk to Olivia” and then displaying the decision letter when decided.
Future questions for Olivia:
Approve “thanks for submitting” email
Approve portal content
Approve auto-email about accommodation decison in portal
Approve form content/language
Build application-creation form in prod
Update hidden round field
Update properties to require login (turned off for testing)
Create system fields in prod
Create entity in prod
Create workflow in prod
Add material types in prod
Create custom permission? Realm?
- Create custom request status field w/prompts
- Create decision notification email
- Query for students needing letter
- Query for students needing contact for course director/program
- Create activities?
- Create custom dashboard for application view in back-end?
Application Form
Slate internal link:
Link for students (requires app login):
- Update confirmation page
- Create confirmation email
Test record:
Aulus Vitellius Caesar
2/28 Ran test of first applicant:
No issues found with the form logic.
Successfully attached a PDF.
Rules preview:
Person: No change.
App/Accommodation Request:
App Status to Awaiting Decision
Population added to Permission: Accommodation App
- Update confirmation page and confirmation email.
- Did not create application; found that I hadn’t set the round in the hidden field. Fixed and retested and it worked.
- Is adding the transcripts to the checkilst; can we fix that? (Olivia said she doesn’t mind much)
Create new custom permission for “Permission: Accommodation App”
Create rule to add custom permission to records that have an app in that round.
User Permissions updates:
Create Realm = Accommodation App
Create custom permission for general/other use:
Custom Permission = Accommodation App
Fields for the entity
Custom app fields
Create Role = PP-A ACC: OGSS Accommodation Reviewer
This is going to require cleaning up the admin permissions for everyone so not everyone sees these custom permissions? (Unless can make exclusive?)
- Create workflow
- Create bins
- Remove Hold bin
- Decide if final review bin is needed
- Configure review forms
- Create screening form
- Create review form
- Create decision form?
- Create materials view
- Create dashboard
- Application form
- Documentation
- Review forms
- Create default view
- Create custom views (if needed)
- Create workflow rules
- Create entity
Accommodation App
Request (prompt list of common requests + other)
Request - Other (open text)
Status (prompt)
Duration (prompt)
Expiration Date (open text)
- Create custom tab
- Create widget
- Create portal
- View for submitted
- View for decided
- Both should have application selector