“Brain Dump” Possible AY24 Slate Team Projects
Add projects to the Eisenhower categories below--this is a brainstorming/draft, so projects can move around, just pick the category that makes the most sense right now to you. The goal is to capture all ideas/projects for further discussion.
If a project has been “promised” to a client change text to dark green.
New items added in December, change text to dark purple.
New items added in February, change text to blue
Items completed, change text to
strikethrough.Items that are are on hold are greyed out (even though this text is pale purple)
🔴 Urgent/Important
Race/Ethnicity visibility modifications (Fall)PermissionsQuery templates/libraries
Transition Slate to SIS feed to Kafka for Slate instances (9/5 “start”, Ongoing)
alpha user acceptance testing underway
fine tuning what person-data is sent when
TUSMGP Disability Accommodations/Student Success functionality pilot project (Fall)
Tuition discount/scholarship data sent to PF (in progress with Elaine) (Sept)Improved scholarship and discount tracking in Slate
TUSMGP migration to WorkflowsFinancial aid document tracking in VET (Nov)
Slate Intern
FGI contract work
retire teasers/implement status page portals for Vetnew Reader workflow for NUTR(built- implementation after cycle closes)IRADCA cycle prep/overhaulTUSMGP PA Program cycle prep/API build (March - June)
Vet API cycle prep (March - May)
Reporting improvements for TUSMGP Phase 1CAS API troubleshooting/maintenance for TUSMGP
🟡 Urgent/Not Important
Lead Scoring for TUSMGP
🟢 Not Urgent/Important
Data integrity improvements
Implementing “intermediary” data entry forms/processes (i.e., defer or CI form) to improve accuracy of entered data
Identifying key fields/prompts across Slate instances, “locking down” access, and permissioning (in conjunction with Kafka?)
Consistent & accurate admissions funnel reporting to Provost/OIR
Enrollment Analytics priority/long-term project from Chris Sedore
Slate > SIS > PF cleanup (open admit offers, etc.) (Elaine take lead; work with us)
Connecting TUSMGP (TUP) instance to PF for scholarship information for admitted students?
Update permission structures for TUV and TUH, and document
Documentation Standards
Developing on-boarding materials, and implementing training process Training thoughts
Addressing Technical Debt /wiki/spaces/~60351d7b8ff098007157b10c/pages/366149758
UVC is especially challenging
TUSMGP sort of has some
Queries themselves (see FGI)
Permissions in TUSMGP
Interview management for GSBS and Vet
🔵 Not Urgent/Not Important
Slate User Group (admissions people not attending)
Split into Marketing and Admissions groups?
Interview score automations Vet
Meeting Agenda
Discuss/follow up meeting with Chris Sedore, Larry Thomas, Chris Tatro, Linda Snell, Beth Storrs, and Helen Williams on 12/13
OIR request about demographic data collection via applications
Use of Tableau, getting help from TTS data team
Who is “lead”/project manager/decider for Chris S. enrollment analytics goals?
Update on FGI consulting work
TUSMGP Query Audit TUSMGP FGI Query Audit Work Product
Can we have our own staging server? (Is that what it is called?)
API data and document translation pre-load
Enrollment reporting
Slate to PowerFAIDS?
Guidance on handling requests/edges of our authority
document with sample questions Collection of items we need guidance on how to approach
Meeting Notes
Enrollment Analytics
Chris S. doesn’t have a deliverable/done date, still cooking.
Maybe build a “phase 1” / proof of concept idea, and then add on to it from there. Ongoing working plan to improve data access.
OIR vs. Us - we are looking at the data from the POV of the schools, not necessarily what OIR thinks about.
Relationship between this and data governance? Linda doesn’t know.
Who determines which data points are used and who can add/edit them? Chris S. would say it is us, we need to be recommending/enforcing what is best for the University’s goals.
Chris S. believes he has the buy in for this being the University’s data at the EAD level at every school. Require standardization for what is best for the University.
What is OIR up to? Linda will try and figure out what OIR is up to and what Chris S. wants us to be invovled with.
Chris S. wants us to be learning Denodo. Linda sent link to training in email.
Linda thinks we have an enterprise license for Denodo.
Do the training first so you have some knowledge, then request access from Rachel.
In general next steps are to learn Denodo, start to understand what to do with it.
Take at least half of Friday / 1 day per week to start learning.
Partner with someone on Larry’s team to think about how to build things out and how we can access them.
Need to request accounts in Tableau and start learning Tableau as well.
Linda thinks that the analysts will need Denodo and Tableau access. Bruce Krasnoff has access to Tableau.
Reach out to Rachel Kell for assistance is OK.
Linda will contact the Data team to ask about Tableau.
Tableau training from TTS: https://tufts.myabsorb.com/#/instructor-led-courses/24e01a00-5...
Our Authority
Can we tell people not to use Quick Admit and they have to use Slate?
D1 uses quick admit, then sends people to enroll, “calling the component interface”
Vet is bad about this, Fletcher, and UVC somewhat
Linda is OK with removing access to quick admit for front-end users
Where we see we can improve processes and improve the quality of our data by adjusting business processes, we are empowered to go forward and do that.
We need to be at the table when talking about a vendor and from an integration and data perspective, this applies to marketing
What is Fletcher up to? Set up a meeting with Emily to talk about the new ways we’re talking about data, how can we be more partner/advisor to how you’re doing things.
Following best practice and standardize so we can give you back better information and data, need to be able to report the stuff that leadership wants.
Annual Calendar Draft
CASPA Closes for Cycle
CASPA Configuration Portal Opens
DPT-BOS and DPT-PHX Application Deadline (2/15) (often extended)
CASPA Configuration Portal Closes
JD/MPH Application Deadline (3/15)
VMCAS Configuration Portal Opens
CASPA Opens for Cycle
SOPHAS Configuration Portal Opens
PTCAS Configuration Portal Opens
VMCAS Configuration Portal Closes
PTCAS Configuration Portal Closes
PTCAS Closes for Cycle
DPT-SEA Application Deadline
PTCAS Opens for Cycle
SOPHAS Configuration Portal Closes
SOPHAS Application Deadline (7/15)
B/MPH Application Deadline (7/15)
MBS Application Deadline (7/15) (often extended)
CASPA Application Deadline (8/1)
SOPHAS Closes for Cycle
SOPHAS Opens for Cycle
Slate Application “Closes”
Slate Application “Opens” for MPH programs
“Data freeze” to OIR (Spring/Summer/Fall application funnel data)
Slate Application “Opens” for MBS program(s)
CASPA = Physician Assistant (PA) and PA/MPH
SIS = St George and Ross Interns
All Nutrition and GSBS programs are applied for through Slate-hosted applications