Cheat Sheet | Quick Facts
Program IDs
Cycle opened 8/17/2023
Organization IDs
App Form ID
App Form ID seems to be the identifier for the CAS system (e.g., PTCAS, SOPHAS, etc.). It changes each year/cycle.
File Naming
In Progress: SOPHAS-app-started_<instanceId>_<organizationId>_<programId>_<applicationId>_<casApplicantId>.csv
App Data: PTCAS-app-s-*
Eval Data: PTCAS-app-eval-rcd-6861
GPAs: PTCAS-app-v-6861
Courses: PTCAS-BOS-courses-6861 | PTCAS-PHX-courses-6861 | PTCAS-SEA-courses-6861
Instance | Type | Subscription ID | Active | Date/Time Started |
SOPHAS | In Progress | 8151 | No |
SOPHAS | App Data | 8189 | No |
SOPHAS | Documents | No |
CAS API Documentation
API Subscriptions
There are three separate API subscriptions created for this cycle, outlined below.
Subscription | Business Event | Description |
In Progress | application.program.selected | Complete file of available application data is sent when applicant selects program and “adds to their shopping cart.” Can be understood as the first step in applying to a program. |
Application Data | application.program.received, application.program.completed, application.program.verified, application.program.updated | Complete file of available application data is sent when applicant/application moves through Liaison/CAS application benchmarks/statuses (Received, Complete, Verified, Updated). Updated files are sent only after the applicant reached “Verification” status. |
Below are the GET requests (HTTP methods) used to set up these subscriptions. They are modified from the Postman Collection provided by Liaision in the CAS API Integration Center updated on 8/29/2023.
Slate Source Formats
There are three source formats configured in Slate TUP to translate and load the data sent by the API into records and applications in Slate:
SOPHAS In Progress
SOPHAS Application
All CAS Documents
In Progress Source Format
The In Progress source format is configured to create the initial person and application record for an applicant in Slate.
All applicants must have a file of data come through the In Progress source format to ensure that they have the correct Slate application record. If a file of data is not passed through the In Progress source format (subscription interruption or errors) then subsequent application data files will not create the application record as required.
It does the following:
Creates/updates the person record with the following information:
BioDemo data (name, sex, date of birth, addresses, phone/email, citizenship)
CAS/Liaison Person ID (see Record Matching)
Inquiry Details
Program of Interest
Updates person status to Applicant
Adds an interaction code to track creation of an In Progress application
Creates an application record on the person record with the following information:
CAS/Liaision Application ID (see Record Matching)
Application Round
Sets application submitted flag to “No”
Application Created date
Application Details (program, start term/year, CAS/Liaison Status, CAS/Liaison Application Program ID)
The In Progress source format includes a static mapping for Round: Always Create. See CAS API to Slate Integration and round configurations for more details.
Application Data Source Format
Slate Rules (Automations)
Checklist - Add
Checklist - Fulfill
Application Statuses
WebAdMIT API Documentation
WebAdMIT/PTCAS Destinations
SOPHAS is configured with a “destination” that allows for that instance to send data a host via SFTP; the Destination has been configured to the same settings as used for the CAS API, including the same authentication user/password and the same paths/endpoint. All data sent via the WebAdMIT API appears in the same location in the SFTP server that the CAS API files appear.