“Brain Dump” Possible AY24 Slate Team Projects
Add projects to the Eisenhower categories below--this is a brainstorming/draft, so projects can move around, just pick the category that makes the most sense right now to you. The goal is to capture all ideas/projects for further discussion.
If a project has been “promised” to a client change text to dark green.
🔴 Urgent/Important
Race/Ethnicity visibility modifications
Transition ETL process (?) to Kafka for Slate instances
TUP - Disability Accommodations/Student Success functionality pilot project
🟡 Urgent/Not Important
🟢 Not Urgent/Important
Data integrity improvements
Implementing “intermediary” data entry forms/processes (i.e., defer or CI form) to improve accuracy of entered data
Identifying key fields/prompts across Slate instances, “locking down” access, and permissioning (in conjunction with Kafka?)
Slate > SIS > PF cleanup (open admit offers, etc.)
Documentation Standards
Developing on-boarding materials, and implementing training process Training thoughts