Detailed description of desired deliverable:
TUSMGP has re-established a scholarship committee that will need to review applications across all programs for scholarship awards. They will have a small committee that will need to review specific information about the candidate, submit a review form, and then make a final decision about the awarding process.
Created new Scholarship Review Workflow
Bin movement rules that pull eligible files into the review workflow
Tabs: Dashboard with relevant information to committee
Tabs: All application materials
Tabs: Submitted review forms
Permissions: unique and only accessible to members of the scholarship committee
Form: review form to calculate total
Testing Plan:
Refreshed test environment 9/3.
Bin Automation/Rules
- Ensure rules work to identify application records from 5 programs (BOS, PHX, SEA, MBS, O-MPH, MPH) and move to bin structure when they are in admit bins in applicaiton review workflow or the most recent confirmed decision on the application is Admit or IE.
- Created 8 test records in Test across programs and either awaiting decision (for bins) or decided (for decision rules)
- Ensure rules work to move PA applications that are IE into workflow for review.
- Ensure the rule to add committee reviewers works
- Only adding one reviewer per file, check bin settins?
- Ensure that future movement/decisions don’t remove the files from bins?
- Ensure that “in queue” ignore rule works properly
- Ensure all merge fields are pulling correct information
- Fix format/modality (use Modality, have show for all programs not just MPH)
- Online MPH = Online
- DPT = Hybrid
- Anything else = On-Campus
- Study Rate (accelerated, full-time default for non-MPH programs)
- Accelerated
- Part-time
- Full-time
- Visa Status = type of visa they have or are seeking
- MOU school
- First Generation (need to review all existing applications)
- Undergraduate and graduate GPA from CAS not showing up
- Ensure formatting/CSS is working properly
- Add in the final review scholarship comments to the Dashboard
- Make sure working for MBS and DPT
- Might need dictionary export for this instead, if MPH has multiple?
Review Form
- Ensure merged information is populating correctly for automatic scoring
- Ensure the form is calculating total score properly
- Update bin views (no default set)
- Update the filters on the tabs (materials that are auto generated are showing for CAS apps, etc.)
Questions for Katie-Ann:
Do you want a queue notification email for Scholarship committee members? YES
Which HRSA factors should be used to “count” in the review rubric PENDING
Should dual degree programs be excluded from the bin movement rules (i.e., are you assessing dual degree students for scholarships?) YES
Do you also want MRCD = IE to be moved to scholarship review process? (i.e., if they accept the offer, do you want them to remain in the workflow for consideration?) YES (for now)
Should there be a recommendation or comments for the scholarship reviewer to submit on the form?
Confirm that committee forms are:
MBS Final Committee Review Form (0e962b0c-595a-4f29-9bb6-a3b71eb4cdd6)
PH Committee Review Form (77b28650-0f91-4f92-8900-8b21cd455cb6)
Will there be more than one of these? Need to account for this on the dashboard.
DPT-BOS Committee Final Review e6a1a8fc-ee32-4d92-b743-7bb7a29cd659
DPT-PHX Committee Final Review 6c376bb8-847b-4c31-b2fa-1a3cb0a060c5
DPT-SEA Committee Final Review b4777800-e405-4aa4-9b6e-4f9495221b49