- VMware OVF Tool and a VMware account (free) to download OVF tool.
- Mac OSX System with Fusion and the VM’s you want to convert.
- Free disk space
1. Download and install the VMware OVF Tool. Download is a .tar.gz file from vmware.
2. Extract it
“tar zxvf $filename.tar.gz”.
Launch VMware OVF Tool.pkg file. You may be prompted by Gatekeeper that the package is not signed. Go ahead and change settings to allow unsigned packages installation
Create a folder where you want to save the converted VMs ()
cd /Applications/VMware\ OVF\ Tool/
./ovftool /Volumes/Macintosh\ HD/VirtualMachines/windows8.vmwarevm/windows8.vmx /Volumes/Macintosh\ HD/Converted/
You can now import the created OVF file into vSphere or a standalone ESXi server.