Creating the CSV File:
The rundown for how the columns are formatted:
1st – Action ; 2nd – RecordName ; 3rd – TTL; 4th – RecordType; 5th – Rdata
*Please refer to the guide to populate the fields with the proper information.
**Examples: delete,, , A,
delete,, , A,
- Once the CSV file has been completed; navigate to the DNS tab in Proteus.
- Under Tufts Configuration Information, go to the Views tab.
- Select ‘external’ under DNS Views.
- This should navigate you to the Zones tab; click on Action and select Bulk DNS Updates.
- Click on Browse and select the CSV file; hit next and review the updates.
- Hit apply if there are no errors; the results will indicate how many entries have been updated/ignored.
Creating XML file:
It is possible to remove host records from the external view while leaving the internal view intact. Below is a sample xml file that will remove the three printer records specified. Note that the XML file specifies the view, the full domain, and a list of host names and IP addresses (the addresses are required) along with the directive "delete" for each host. You can add more <host> lines as needed.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<\!DOCTYPE data PUBLIC "-//BlueCat Networks/Proteus Migration Specification 3.7.1//EN" "[|]">
<configuration name="Tufts">
<view name="external">
<zone name="edu" deployable="false">
<zone name="tufts" deployable="true" on-exist="ignore">
<zone name="med" deployable="true" on-exist="ignore">
<host name="bmedcidpr1" address="" on-exist="delete"/>
<host name="bmedcidpr2" address="" on-exist="delete"/>
<host name="bmedcidpr3" address="" on-exist="delete"/>