Always check the following after any migration:
- Local Folders migrated?
- Contact Lists migrated?
- LDAP Configured (, port 389, search base "dc=tufts, dc=edu")
- GAL Lookup Configured (
- Junk Mail turned off
- Auto Archive turned off
- Signature
- Mobile Device Configured
- Calendar Sharing/Delegations reconfigured?
- Have user log into meeting maker and open their proxy window if they don't remember who they have as shared calendars.
- Verify they can log into OWA ( and bookmark site for them
- In outlook: Addressbook Ordering (Contacts > LDAP > GAL)
- Quick discussion of GAL vs LDAP vs local contacts (GAL for sharing, scheduling, etc.), LDAP/contacts for addressing emails.
- Filter rules
- Any old trumpeter group accounts that need to be manually mapped in outlook?
- (SSL)
- (TLS)
- login
- password
- Verify mail delivery/send on client, owa and mobile device.
Topics by Label
- account
- address
- apple
- boston
- calendar
- campus
- change
- client
- configuration
- create
- ems
- enhancements
- error
- exchange
- faq
- folder
- form
- group
- incident
- ios
- knownissue
- landesk
- list
- log
- mac
- management
- migration
- needswork
- network
- new
- notification
- outlook
- process
- report
- request
- resource
- server
- service
- servicenow
- software
- support
- system
- techconnect
- thunderbird
- tufts
- update
- view
- web
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