Tableau Desktop
JDBC (Recommended)
Download and install the JDBC Connector (.taco file) through the app, or online here:
For Mac, place it under ~/Users/[user]/Documents/My Tableau Repository/Connectors
For Windows, place it under C:\Users[Windows User]\Documents\My Tableau Repository\Connectors
For the driver, download it here:
For Mac, place it under ~/Library/Tableau/Drivers
For Windows, place it under C:\Program Files\Tableau\Drivers
Tableau Server
In order for workbooks using a Denodo JDBC data source to be published to a Tableau Server, the server needs to be updated to include the Denodo JDBC connector and driver. The steps below outline how to accomplish this.
Add the Denodo Connector ( ) under C:\Program Files\Tableau\Connectors
Add the Denodo JDBC Driver ( ) under C:\Program Files\Tableau\Drivers
Restart Tableau Server using
tsm pending-changes apply
in the command line, enteringy
when prompted to restart.
Service Account for Connecting to Denodo
A service account has been created for connections to Denodo within Tableau for deployed workbooks. The credentials are below.
Username | zdenodo_tableau_prd |
Password |
Known Issues
Taco package signature verification failure
It’s a known issue that verification of Taco-based package signatures can fail in Tableau. This affects both Tableau Desktop and Tableau Server. To get around the issue, you can disable package signature verification. How to do this is outlined below. Reference:
Tableau Desktop
Tableau.exe -DDisableVerifyConnectorPluginSignature=true
Tableau Server
tsm configuration set -k native_api.disable_verify_connector_plugin_signature -v true --forcekeys tsm pending-changes apply