You can request a copy of the list of administrative users for whom administrative licenses were purchased by sending an email to ttscontracts@tufts.edu. All of the individuals on this list are now permitted to use SPSS Base, Advanced and Regression for administrative work. All Institutional Research users are licensed for Custom Tables in addition to the other three modules (Base, Advanced and Regression). For those administrative users that already have legacy licenses installed, Iris Schwartz, our former SPSS representative, has Iris Schwartz, assured us that the software can continue to be used until the current activation nears expiration and is re-activated. Software does not have to be re-installed. (Note: Iris Schwartz left IBM in 2013 and was replaced by Anthony Papp, who can be reached at apapp@us.ibm.com .)
As in the past, the TTS Site License program will continue to cover maintenance for these administrative SPSS licenses as long as funding is available. New administrative users, that is, users who will require licenses in addition to those already purchased, will need to acquire the software licenses on their own. And again, as in the past, new users who wish to add their licenses to the TTS SPSS Software Site ID will have maintenance covered by the Site License program in the out-years, as long as funding remains available.
- Name of the user (which the Service Desk will verify the name against a list of Administrative User licenses).
- Name of the computer
- Confirmation that the computer has LANDesk installed
- Version and modules of SPSS you want a code for (i.e., Base, Advanced, Regression and, depending on the user, Custom Tables)
- On what date and in what year you want the code to expire