Versions Compared


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  1. Get the Denodo Solution Manager installer, license file and certs files from Box (download folders as zip files). The installer folder has been updated to include the latest update as of 2022-08-15.

  2. scp the installer, license file, and certs files to the server where you want to install Solution Manager

  3. ssh into the server and do the following (all steps beyond this assume you are still in the root shell):

    Code Block
    sudo su
    cd denodo-install-solutionmanager-8.0
    chmod +x
    ./ install
    1. For install path specify /opt/denodo

    2. Use defaults for all remaining options

    3. The installer can take 5-10 minutes to run, make sure your machine is kept awake to keep your session alive.

  4. Once the installer is done, copy the license and cert files into the Denodo installation directory

    Code Block
    cp LICENSE_FILE_PATH /opt/denodo/conf/denodo.lic
    cp certs/* /opt/denodo/conf

  5. Run the TLS configurator script

    Code Block
    cd /opt/denodo/bin
    sudo ./ \
    --keystore /opt/denodo/conf/denodo_server_key_store.jks \
    --cert-cer-file /opt/denodo/conf/denodo_server_public_key.cer \
    --truststore /opt/denodo/jre/lib/security/cacerts \
    --credentials-file /opt/denodo/conf/credentials.txt \
    --denodo-home /opt/denodo
  6. Start the Solution Manager services. For a script, see

    Code Block
    cd /opt/denodo/bin/
  7. Confirm the Solution Manager works via a web browser


Code Block
sudo systemctl enable tailscaled
sudo systemctl enable --now tailscaled
sudo tailscale up --advertise-tags=tag:denodo,tag:server --accept-routes=false --hostname=denodo-stage-01 --accept-dns=false
sudo tailscale status

