By default all OfficeScan Clients at Tufts are scheduled to scan every Sunday at noon (12:00). In cases where machines are offline during this time they will resume a missed scheduled scan the same time the next day.
Historically this has been selected as the least disruptive time for scheduled scans to
occur however
there may be cases where some IT groups may wish to change the scheduled scan
settings for their users
To Modify a Scheduled Scan for a client or group of clients, log into the TrendMicro OfficeScan Console using Internet Exploreror a specific group of computers to run at a different time/date.
Note: Scheduled scans will not occur on Sunday if machines are turned off or in hibernation mode and clients may complain that the scheduled scan is occurring during the day.
- Open the Trend Micro OfficeScan Console: https://tabvmtrend1.tufts.ad.tufts.edu:4343/officescan
- Open the Officescan console at https://tabvmtrend1.tufts.ad.tufts.edu:4343/officescan. .
- Internet Explorer is required. You may need to install
- ActiveX plugins in order to use the console.
- Log in with tufts\UTLN as the username, and you Tufts Passwordpassword.
- Once logged inIn, click "Networked Computers" on the left side navigation menu, then click "Client Management.".
- Expand the tree view of the computers until you can see the AD Active Directory OUs that you have permission to change. If you do not see any OUs under tufts.ad.tufts.edu and believe you should, please submit a request to it@tufts.edu with the OUs that you need access to within the Officescan OfficeScan console.
- Select the OU at root level (e.g., Lab Machines or Department) or individual OfficeScan client you wish to change. You may only change 1 root level OU at a time. For example, you cannot change all Medical Central OU and all Nutrition ASE OU clients at the same time.
- Click settings, then Web Reputation settings.
- Scroll down to the "Approved/Blocked URL list"
- Enter the URL you wish to approve or block in the text field, then click either the "Add to Approved List" or Add to Blocked List" depending on your needs.Select Settings > Scan Settings >> Scheduled Scan Settings
- Modify the Weekly scan date and time to an appropriate schedule
- Now click "Save" at the bottom of the Web Reputation Scheduled Scan Settings window.
- Finally, open the Web Reputation Scheduled Scan Settings settings window again and confirm that the URL is either approved or blockedyour new scheduled scan time was changed.