If you are uncertain of a suitable approach, please contact cluster-support@tufts.edu for assistance.
NCAR related:
How do I start NCAR?
NCAR has lots of separate programs. These are all available to you after you setup the environment.
-bash-3.2$ module load NCAR
These executables are located at: /opt/shared/NCAR/5.2.1/bin
To submit a job, for example:
-bash-3.2$ sbatch ...options..... --wrap="ng4ex gsun01n.ncl"
Please consult the NCAR website for user documentation and examples.
Python related:
How can I verify if a particular Python package is installed?
Add-on tools such as numpy and scipy are installed. Others would be under the install tree located at:
in the version specific site-packages directory. Another approach uses pip.
> module load python/2.7.6 > pip list |
PetSc related.
How do I install PetSc?
PetSc has a complex build environment that allows one to include various applications. We encourage interested users to build the suite of interest in their home directory. Installation instructions for a particular set of applications can be found here.