Excerpt |
PySpark is the Python interface to Apache Spark, a powerful open source cluster computing framework. Spark is a fast and general-purpose cluster computing system and provides programmers with an interface centered on the Resilient Distributed Dataset (RDD). The RDD is a data structure that is distributed over a cluster of computers and is maintained in a fault-tolerant way. |
For more information about Spark and PySpark, seeyou can visit the following resources:
You can access and start using PySpark by using with the following steps:
- Connect to the Tufts High Performance Compute Cluster. See Connecting Access for a detailed guide.
Load the Spark module by typingwith the following command:
Code Block module load spark
Note that you can see a list of all available modules (potentially including different versions of Spark) by typing:
Code Block module avail
You can specify a specific version of Spark with the module load command or use the generic module name (spark) to load the latest version.
Start PySpark session by typing:
Code Block pyspark
A Simple Test
To make sure that Spark and PySpark are working properly, lets load an RDD and perform a simple function on it. In this example, we will create a text file with a few lines and use PySpark to count both the number of lines and the number of words.
Create a new text file in your home directory on the cluster using nano (or your favorite text editor):
Code Block nano sparktest.txt
Put a few lines of text into the file and save it, for example:
Code Block This is line one This is line two This is line three This is line four
Load the file into an RDD as follows:
Code Block rdd = sc.textFile("sparktest.txt")
Note that you case use the type() command to verify that rdd is indeed a PySpark RDD.
Count the number of lines in the rdd:
Code Block lines = rdd.count()
Now you can use the split() and flatMap() functions to count the number of individual words:
Code Block words = rdd.flatMap(lambda x: x.split()).count()
For a more detailed overview of Spark (and Big Data in general) with examples, you can view the slides from the recent XSEDE Big Data workshop. Please contact tts-research@tufts.edu for information regarding future workshops.