application fees run from Slate through TouchNet
tuition deposits are handled through CashNet, and set up as necessary by Tracy McGrath
must have EMPLID
Info |
Touchnet Login page link |
Arrow Payments is the vendor who manages Tufts TouchNet sites. Touchnet is the processor that allows students to pay application fees through Slate.
Account Set-up
For access, e-mail the name, email address, and UTLN to Touchnet eCommerce Support. Once the PCI training (although interesting, not very useful for the work we do) has been completed, users should have access.
As of late 2023, the final certification portion of Module 5 required users to “receive, read, and agree to my department's PCI policy”, but TTS was not a listed department. Touchnet help provided a generic document that allowed us to check 'agree' and complete the training.
User Name comes in the format C21525.UTLN; when first logging in, use the ‘reset password' link to
To: on behalf of Arrow Payments Support Team
Nalani Brown, PMP (She, her hers)
Director of Operations, QIR
Initial Login
User Name comes in the format C21525.UTLN. The initial set up process requires both an e-mail and a phone number for validation.
Using the ‘reset password' link to reset the initial password did not work for Beth; this seems likely to be a case of having an old account from prior to authentication requirements. Since none of the authentication pieces were in place until after logging in with the temporary credentials, there was no way to reset the account. They did eventually send the actual temporary password after the first try by support, which was just unlocking the account.
Setup in Slate
XSLT files have to updated with the correct site ID, if it is going somewhere other than the default:
In the event that a student needs to be issued a refund of the application fee, authorized users access Touchnet to refund the fee. As of 11/6/2024, Trish Sheehan and Beth Storrs have permissions to do refunds. Touchnet provided the following instructions for doing refunds:
After logging in, hover over the "Applications" tab
Select "Marketplace"
On the left hand side, select the merchant name to expand the menu
Expand "Stores"
Expand the store you would like to review reports for
Select the "Refunds" link
Once there, enter the Order Number and select Run Search
the “transaction number” in the Payment received Activity in Slate is the Payment Gateway Reference Number
Select "Refund" next to the order
Enter the refund dollar amount
Enter comments in Refund Reason
Select Refund
I used the e-mail address to find the transaction I was looking for and that seemed to work fine.