> module load eclipse/1.4.1-x86_64
> srun ...srun options... eclipse
When finished, type exit to release the allocation.
Complete Python docs
A guide to Python Modules
For info about what system-wide python based packages are installed:
$ module load python/2.7.6 To see what python apps are available: $ pip list |
Perl Compiler
Perl is a stable, cross platform programming language. Perl is extensible. There are over 500 third party modules available from the Comprehensive Perl Archive Network (CPAN).
To access icc:
> module load icc
> > srun ...srun options... icc ....your options....
Local Fortran documentation in HTML format can be found at:
Fortran quick reference is available by typing:
> man ifort
> ifort -help
Shell script programming
Check the site shellcheck for a debug tool.
Thread programming
In shared memory multiprocessor architectures, such as SMPs, threads can be used to implement thread based parallelism. The cluster compute nodes are smp nodes with 8 cores. C and C++ compilers will have one or more compile options for threads. The cluster has pthreads installed and for more information see the man pages:
The cluster's gcc compiler supports openmp threads. Check the gcc docs for related information. Note the possible need to access a compute node in an Exclusive Host LSF manner. This would allow one's threads to use all cores on one host. A simple example such as:
-bash-3.2$ bsub -queue express -R bigmem -x ./yourcodeexecutablesrun ...srun options... ./yourcode_executable
would obtain a node for exclusive host access with large memory.