Package Information
This is a quiet installer that activates the software with no user interaction.
Last Updated: 2/27/2013
NOTE: This package is just a template - You *MUST* create a new distribution package for each authorization code you receive and update it with the code before deploying to your client(s). Please see the "Creating your own distribution package" section below. There are also two versions of this installer template, one for Windows 64 bit systems and one for Windows 32 bit.
Current MSI Switches used: /i /qn AUTHCODE="CODE-GOES-HERE" COMPANYNAME="Tufts University"
The MSI's used in this template were extracted from the EXE's located at \\titan\software$\fsp\SPSS\SPSS 21\
You will need the entire folder that the MSI is located in, not just the MSI itself.
Package Locations
64 Bit Installer - \\titan\ldeskpackages$\ITS\IBM\SPSS\SPSS21
32 Bit Installer - \\titan\ldeskpackages$\ITS\IBM\SPSS\SPSS21-x86
IBM Documentation for SPSS Installation
\\titan\software$\fsp\SPSS\SPSS 21\Misc\
Creating Your Own Distribution Package
After receiving the authorization code, within the LANDesk console navigate to Distribution Packages -> Public Packages -> ITS -> IBM -> SPSS 21
This will make a copy of the template for you to work with.
Now right click on the copy you just made and update the following: