- Connect to the Tufts High Performance Compute Cluster. See Connecting Access for a detailed guide.
Load the Spark module with the following command:
Code Block module load spark
Note that you can see a list of all available modules (potentially including different versions of Spark) by typing:
Code Block module avail
You can specify a specific version of Spark with the module load command or use the generic module name (spark) to load the latest version.
Start PySpark session by typing:
Code Block pyspark
Create a new text file in your home directory on the cluster using nano (or your favorite text editor):
Code Block nano sparktest.txt
Put a few lines of text into the file and save it, for example:
Code Block This is line one This is line two This is line three This is line four
Load the file into an RDD as follows:
Code Block rdd = sc.textFile("sparktest.txt")
Note that you case use the type() command to verify that rdd is indeed a PySpark RDD.
Count the number of lines in the rdd:
Code Block lines = rdd.count()
Now you can use the split() and flatMap() functions to count the number of individual words:
Code Block words = rdd.flatMap(lambda x: x.split()).count()
For a more detailed overview of Spark (and Big Data in general) with examples, you can view the slides from the recent XSEDE Big Data workshop (additional sessions will be held in the future): https://www.psc.edu/index.php/hpc-workshop-series/big-data-november-2016. Please contact tts-research@tufts.edu for information regarding future workshops.