Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Most usage is centered around a dozen or so commands:

ls, more, less, cat, nano, pwd, cd, man, bsub, bkill, bjobs, ps, scp, ssh, cp, chmod, rm, mkdir, passwd, history, zip, unzip, tar, df, du, head, tail, grep


See the man pages for complete documentation. Here is a short description of some.


What text editors are available?

nano, nedit, vi, vim, emacs


How do I strip out ^M embedded characters in my files I transferred from my PC?

Use the dos2unix command on the file. There is man page documentation available for further info.  Also check this page  for additional tips.

> man dos2unix

What is a man page?

man pages are linux/unix style text based documentation. For example, to obtain documentation on the command cat:


Issue the following in the directory of interest:

> find . -name "A-Z" | cut -c 3- - | awk '{print $1,tolower($1)}' | xargs -i echo "mv {}" | csh


This will find everything with uppercase letters and rename it to the
same thing with all lowercase.

How do I uncompress and extract many .gz and corresponding tar files?

> ls -1 *.gz | xargs -n 1 -r -I {} tar zxf {}

Sometimes I get a cryptic message about too many open files, what is that?
There are several resource settings associated with a default account. To see the settings:



export PATH

To see if it got updated:

> printenv  | grep  PATH