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Research Cluster Restrictions
Conditions and use of the research cluster include and are not limited to the following expectations. Additional related details may be found throughout this page.
Expectations |
no user root access |
supported OS is RedHat 6 Enterprise version |
no user ability to reboot node(s) |
all cluster login access is via the login headnode |
no user machine room access to cluster hardware |
no alternative linux kernels other than the current REDHAT version |
no access to 10Gig Ethernet network hardware or software |
no user cron or at access |
no user servers/demons such as: HTTP(apache), FTP. etc. |
Cluster quality of service is managed through slurm |
all user jobs destined for compute nodes are submitted via slurmĀ commands |
all compute nodes follow a naming convention |
only Tufts Technology Services NFS approved research storage is supported |
idle nodes are scheduled by slurm |
no user contributed direct connect storage such as usb memory, or external disks |
only limited outgoing Internet access from the headnode will be allowed; exceptions must be reviewed |
allow approximate 2-week turn around for software requests |
whenever possible, commercial software limit to the two most recent versions |
Only user home directories and optional research NFS mounted storage is backed up |
temporary public storage file systems have no quota and are subject to automated file deletions |
Cluster does not export file systems to user desktops |
Cluster does not support Virtual Machine instances |
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