2329669391 Richelle Stevenson - normal PHX, did have a submitted BOS application but CAS/Liaison app id wasn’t overwritten, reporting data went into the correct entity/app. In PHX inquiry pop, but isn’t there in production.
6248424646 Chantel Nishimura - has Su24 apps for BOS and SEA. CAS/Liaison app ids not overwritten for the other two apps, Su23 app created with correct IDs. Reporting data went to the correct place. Is being added to inquiry population, but that is OK because she has active apps this cycle.
In the source format for the webadmit data I had not mapped the entity correctly for VE, fixed in production but double check
OK to import DPT program dates, double check source format is properly setup. Can also do O-MPH. Need to run rest of MPH and the MBS out of production and then import through source format.
OK to do test import of 6 apps for dpt submitted but incomplete files as “soft launch” MAKE SURE TO “TURN OFF” POPULATION RULE BEFORE YOU DO THIS. Then wait 1 day to see if any emails are sent or anything else that would be a problem (app status rules won’t run so they don’t have statuses, but not sure about “created” email sending? Looks like probably not…). Check with Dmitri on feed to be sure nothing went through.
After dates have been imported, build queries to look for one date earlier than another (when it shouldn’t be) etc. Check MPH against SOPHAS records and notes from last cycle OIR report.
Consider additional app reporting fields? Notes? Flags for admitted, enrolled, etc.?
What about PA program? Maybe ask Ariana. Could be nice to have “submitted” apps in Slate for testing for the new cycle…