Account Information
Data and Document Subscriptions
in 2023-24, there was one large call for received, completed, verified, and all of the various documents. For 2024-25, these have been separated out into more individual subscriptions for easier management.
Received, Completed, Verified
This master subscription has three separate triggers
Tip |
Subscription ID: 17458 subscriptionDetails id:76514 Trigger: application.program.received subscriptionDetails id:76515 Trigger: application.program.completed subscriptionDetails id:76516 Trigger: application.program.verified |
Trigger | dataHold | sftpPathTemplate |
| |
file.attachment.updated | InProgress | VMCAS_pers_<casApplicantId>__<documentSubType>__<fileId>!<deliveredDate>.pdf |
file.evaluation.updated | InProgress | VMCAS_app_<casApplicantId>_<programId>_<docType>__<fileId>!<deliveredDate>.pdf |
file.transcript.updated | InProgress | VMCAS_pers_<casApplicantId>__<docType><transcriptType>_<collegeAttendedId>_<fileId>!<deliveredDate>.pdf |
file.vendorTranscriptEval.updated | InProgress | VMCAS_pers_<casApplicantId>__<docType>_<collegeAttendedId>_<fileId>!<deliveredDate>.pdf *Which turned out to be a problem for matching--I needed the transcript type in there: |